


  • init
  • add
  • branch
  • commit
  • checkout (swith)
  • remote
  • stash
  • merge
  • status



無効なURL: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/v0.14.0/install-and-setup/#windows


cargo install --locked --bin jj jj-cli --features vendored-openssl


> jj --help
Failed to spawn pager 'LESSCHARSET=utf-8 less -FRX': program not found
Jujutsu (An experimental VCS)

To get started, see the tutorial at https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/blob/main/docs/tutorial.md.

Usage: jj.exe [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  abandon    Abandon a revision
  backout    Apply the reverse of a revision on top of another revision
  branch     Manage branches
  cat        Print contents of a file in a revision
  checkout   Create a new, empty change and edit it in the working copy [aliases: co]
  chmod      Sets or removes the executable bit for paths in the repo
  commit     Update the description and create a new change on top [aliases: ci]
  config     Manage config options
  describe   Update the change description or other metadata
  diff       Show changes in a revision
  diffedit   Touch up the content changes in a revision with a diff editor
  duplicate  Create a new change with the same content as an existing one
  edit       Edit a commit in the working copy
  files      List files in a revision
  git        Commands for working with the underlying Git repo
  init       Create a new repo in the given directory
  interdiff  Compare the changes of two commits
  log        Show commit history
  merge      Merge work from multiple branches
  move       Move changes from one revision into another
  new        Create a new, empty change and edit it in the working copy
  obslog     Show how a change has evolved
  operation  Commands for working with the operation log [aliases: op]
  rebase     Move revisions to different parent(s)
  resolve    Resolve a conflicted file with an external merge tool
  restore    Restore paths from another revision
  show       Show commit description and changes in a revision
  sparse     Manage which paths from the working-copy commit are present in the working copy
  split      Split a revision in two
  squash     Move changes from a revision into its parent [aliases: amend]
  status     Show high-level repo status [aliases: st]
  util       Infrequently used commands such as for generating shell completions
  undo       Undo an operation (shortcut for `jj op undo`)
  unsquash   Move changes from a revision's parent into the revision [aliases: unamend]
  untrack    Stop tracking specified paths in the working copy
  version    Display version information
  workspace  Commands for working with workspaces
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Global Options:
  -R, --repository <REPOSITORY>
          Path to repository to operate on

          By default, Jujutsu searches for the closest .jj/ directory in an ancestor of the current working directory.

          Don't snapshot the working copy, and don't update it

          By default, Jujutsu snapshots the working copy at the beginning of every command. The working copy is also updated at the end of the command, if the command modified the working-copy commit (`@`). If you want to avoid snapshotting the working and instead see a possibly stale working copy commit, you can use `--ignore-working-copy`. This may be useful e.g. in a command prompt, especially if you have another process that commits the working copy.

          Loading the repository is at a specific operation with `--at-operation` implies `--ignore-working-copy`.

      --at-operation <AT_OPERATION>
          Operation to load the repo at

          Operation to load the repo at. By default, Jujutsu loads the repo at the most recent operation. You can use `--at-op=<operation ID>` to see what the repo looked like at an earlier operation. For example `jj --at-op=<operation ID> st` will show you what `jj st` would have shown you when the given operation had just finished.

          Use `jj op log` to find the operation ID you want. Any unambiguous prefix of the operation ID is enough.

          When loading the repo at an earlier operation, the working copy will be ignored, as if `--ignore-working-copy` had been specified.

          It is possible to run mutating commands when loading the repo at an earlier operation. Doing that is equivalent to having run concurrent commands starting at the earlier operation. There's rarely a reason to do that, but it is possible.

          [default: @]
          [aliases: at-op]

  -v, --verbose
          Enable verbose logging

      --color <WHEN>
          When to colorize output (always, never, auto)

          Disable the pager

      --config-toml <TOML>
          Additional configuration options




mkdir jujutsu-playground


> jj init
Error: The native backend is disallowed by default.
Hint: Did you mean to pass `--git`?
Set `ui.allow-init-native` to allow initializing a repo with the native backend.




jj init --config-toml ui.allow-init-native=true




jj git init






--vcs noneを使用して、バージョン管理システムの指定はnoneにしてあげましょう)

cargo init --vcs none



gibo dump Rust > .gitignore

Gitの場合、これらのファイルをバージョン管理の対象とするときにはgit add --allによってステージングする必要がありますが、jujutsuは変更を即時反映するため、その作業はいりません。


gitではgit commitでコミットの説明とコミット操作を同時に行っていましたが、jujutsuではdescでコミットの説明を書き、newでコミットを行うというように操作が分かれています。

# コミットの説明を書く
jj desc -m 'first commit'
# コミットを行う
jj new



jj commit


gitを使っていてよくある、複数のファイル追加を別々のコミットとして行うにはjj splitを利用します。

jj split



選択する前にjj descでコミットの説明を追記しておくのを忘れずに!




Git に足りなかったもの|君のレポジトリを領域展開 - 次世代バージョン管理システム Jujutsu の世界